The Ultimate Linux Command Handbook for Cloud and DevOps Engineers

The Ultimate Linux Command Handbook for Cloud and DevOps Engineers


3 min read

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Linux commands are essential tools for Cloud Engineers and DevOps practitioners, enabling efficient management of servers, deployment pipelines, and infrastructure. Whether you're just starting or looking to level up your skills, this handbook will guide you from zero to hero in mastering Linux commands.

Basic Commands

  1. pwd - Print the current working directory.

  2. ls - List directory contents.

  3. cd - Change the current directory.

     cd <directory_path>
  4. mkdir - Create a new directory.

     mkdir <directory_name>
  5. rm - Remove files or directories.

     rm <file_name>
  6. cp - Copy files or directories.

     cp <source> <destination>
  7. mv - Move files or directories.

     mv <source> <destination>
  8. cat - Concatenate and display files.

     cat <file_name>
  9. grep - Search for patterns in files.

     grep <pattern> <file_name>
  10. echo - Display a line of text.

    echo "Hello, World!"

File and Directory Management

  • chmod - Change file permissions.

      chmod <permissions> <file_name>
  • chown - Change file ownership.

      chown <user>:<group> <file_name>
  • tar - Archive files.

      tar -cvf <archive_name>.tar <file_or_directory>
  • gzip - Compress files.

      gzip <file_name>
  • find - Search for files in a directory hierarchy.

      find <directory_path> -name <file_name>
  • locate - Find files by name.

      locate <file_name>

System Information and Monitoring

  • top - Display Linux processes.

  • free - Display amount of free and used memory in the system.

      free -h
  • df - Display disk space usage.

      df -h
  • du - Estimate file space usage.

      du -h <directory_path>
  • uname - Display system information.

      name -a


  • ifconfig - Configure network interfaces.

  • ping - Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.

      ping <host_name_or_ip>
  • netstat - Display network connections, routing tables, and more.

      netstat -a
  • ssh - Connect to a remote machine securely.

      ssh <user>@<host_name_or_ip>
  • scp - Securely copy files between hosts.

      scp <file_name> <user>@<host_name_or_ip>:<destination_path>

Text Processing

  • sed - Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.

      sed 's/old_text/new_text/g' <file_name>
  • awk - Pattern scanning and text processing language.

      awk '{print $1}' <file_name>
  • sort - Sort lines of text files.

      sort <file_name>
  • uniq - Report or omit repeated lines.

      uniq <file_name>
  • cut - Remove sections from each line of files.

      cut -d' ' -f1 <file_name>

Advanced Commands

  • cron - Schedule tasks to run at specific times.

      crontab -e
  • rsync - Remote file synchronization.

      rsync -avz <source> <destination>
  • iptables - Linux firewall configuration.

      iptables -L
  • lsof - List open files.

      lsof -i
  • strace - Trace system calls and signals.

      strace <command>


Mastering these Linux commands will empower you to efficiently manage servers, troubleshoot issues, and automate tasks in your Cloud and DevOps workflows. Continuously exploring and practicing these commands will enhance your skills and make you a proficient Linux user.

Start your journey today and become a Linux command-line hero!

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